The Ferret machine propels itself through the tubes without manual pushing or pulling of the hose. Soot removing is thus reduced to moving the machine from tube to tube.
The machine's speed can be adjusted by raising or lowering the air pressure. The very powerful cleaning effect is achkkieved not by rotation but by high frequency oscillation, i.e. repetitive back and forth movement. With an air pressure of approximately 5,6 bar, the supplied power is 736 watts, i.e. one horsepower (Ferret 150 RH). At this power, each tube is cleaned from one end to the other.
If you want to see a Ferret machine in operation, please take a look at our videos !
In combination with an industrial vacuum cleaner, a boiler can be soot removed without soot particles escaping to the surroundings. The Ferret machine's pneumatic motor is highly efficient with low utilisation of compressed air.
"We've already delivered more than 3000 machines to satisfied customers".
There are four types of Ferret machines for tube diameters from 27 mm to 450 mm:
- Ferret 200 for tubes with inside diameters > 60 mm
- Ferret 150 RH for tubes with inside diameters > 42 mm
- Ferret 125 RH for tubes with inside diameters > 34 mm
- Ferret 90 for tubes with inside diameters > 27 mm
We have developed the Wibrox® series of brushes for the Ferret machine. They are available in various hardnesses for practically all tube dimensions.
We also market accessories as hose winding reels, industrial vacuum cleaners, etc.
We normally supply the Ferret machine in standard sets –- a few examples are shown in the pictures below – but sets can naturally be configured as preferred.
Application example
Alternative 8 with mounted hose reel, available in three versions
Version 8-1 without foot valve for vertical tubes
Version 8-2 with foot valve for horizontal tubes
Version 8-3, with foot valve for vertical tubes.
Ferret machine connected to industrial vacuum cleaner
Choose the right vacuum cleaner nozzle, Y5, Y10, Y15 or Y20.
If there is no smoke fan after the boiler, a Y-series nozzle should be used together with an industrial vacuum cleaner. Most of the soot in the boiler will then end up in the bag in the vacuum cleaner meaning that the soot and ash are handled fully contained.
There is a replaceable seal at the end of the nozzle which attaches to the hose from the Ferret machine.
There are special nozzles for the different machines Ferret 90 (Y15),
Ferret 125 RH (Y10), Ferret 150 RH (Y5) and Ferret 200 (Y20). The
drawings below show the areas of application for the different nozzles.